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V  E  D  A     5,
A  Y  U  R  V  E  D  A     &
Y  O  G  A     C  E  N  T  R  E




Rishikesh, Uttarakhand



Design Team

Manuj Agarwal Architects


Shri Rajat Minocha


Veda 5

M A N U J   A G A R W A L


B  R  I  E  F     O  F     T  H  E     S  I  T  E

Relax, heal and rejuvenate in luxury at Veda5 in Rishikesh with Ayurveda and Panchakarma treatments.

Yoga training and classes, guided meditation sessions, swimming pool, picturesque trekking, healthy yet delicious food, high-quality rooms and lots of options for relaxation and sight-seeing surrounded by beautiful nature.

Studio for Yoga built by Manuj Agarwal Architects for Veda5

The site is located in the foothills of the Himalayas and is surrounded by exquisite nature at the outskirts of Rishikesh, Uttarakhand. The main aim of the architect in deriving the plan was to least disturb the ecology of the site. Hence the entire campus was seen as clusters of individual blocks, each sitting on independent plinths.
The circulation is developed in the form of a loop that connects various blocks. The plinth continuously varies in levels all along the site in accordance with the site contours. The planning aspects of the built mass have made the insertion minimal and sensible, admitting nature by retaining the soil and vegetation of the site to a certain level.

Pamper yourself to luxurious serenity in a tranquil paradise, Veda5, a world class Ayurveda & Yoga Retreat in Rishikesh (Hima
Relaxation spot for the tourists in the wellness centre
Luxury villa rooms with a scenic beauty of northern Himalayas



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